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Improve your organisation's competitiveness, productivity and sustainability by harnessing research expertise

Industry Partners

We support ingenuity and innovation by providing a cost-effective solution to tackle your organisation's R&D challenges

The program facilitates:

  • A multidisciplinary team of up to three PhD students for seven weeks on a full-time basis

  • An opportunity to select students appropriate to the requirements of your project

  • An opportunity to mentor students towards a research career in industry

  • A flexible participation mode (virtual, in-person or a combination of both)

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  • We pitch your needs for appropriate skill sets and offer guidance in selecting the best suited researchers 

  • We provide our students with support and training to assist with the scoping of your research project, the identification of its requirements and translation of student research abilities into tangible outcomes 

  • We focus on value creation and long term return on investment by actively looking for synergistic research opportunities and connections to like-minded industry partners, educational institutions and research centres 

What Is The Cost?

$10,000 + GST Partnership

  • Team of up to 3 PhD students for 7 weeks full-time


Start-up and Not-for-Profit Sponsorship Opportunity

  • 50% off for eligible start-ups and not-for-profits ($5,000 + GST)

  • All applications will be individually assessed

How Do I Apply?

  • Outline your project needs & desired skillsets

  • Allocate a mentor/s from your organisation 

  • Check your mentor's availability for the industry placement & compulsory induction events 

  • Submit your online application 

  • We find the talent, you pick the perfect match!



Are all businesses and organisations eligible to participate?

The program is available to all industry sectors, inclusive of not-for-profit and government entities

What types of projects are best suited to this program?

Short term industry-led projects are best suited to fit the seven-week timeframe. This may include new research, proof of concept activities, pre-commericalisation of research outcomes or activities with commercial outputs (new products, processes or services) 

If I don't find the right match, can I withdraw my application?

There is no obligation to commence the program and no charges associated if you decide that the candidates sourced are not the right fit for your project 

Can I participate remotely?

Absolutely. We offer in-person, remote or combined modes of participation for both students and industry partners. Online collaborative tools and training is provided. 

Do I have the final say on the allocation of students?

You will be asked to submit your top three candidates in order of preference, as well as two reserve students. If the same student is selected by multiple companies, the program coordinator will contact you to negotiate. 

Why do multidisciplinary teams produce stronger research outcomes?  

It is well known that blending of varied expertise leads to more productive and higher impact experimentation and analysis. Innovations are of a higher calibre as problems are solved using a multi-faceted approach. 

Can I interview the students?

Absolutely. We provide you with every opportunity to question or interview the students prior to finalising your team.

How will the Biodesign training help the students meet the deliverables of my project?

The Biodesign training is based on Stanford Biodesign Methodology, which focuses on a prescriptive method of identifying unmet clinical needs, inventing solutions and creating implementation strategies. The training will help the students define objectives and create more impactful solutions, particularly for projects that have a larger scope.       

What is expected from me during the seven weeks?
  • Provide students with at least two hours each week of guidance 

  • Complete feedback forms regarding the program and student team performance 

  • Attend the final presentation event, where students present project outcomes to all participants, industry partners and other invited guests.

Can I offer employment to student/s after the placement?

Absolutely. Please ensure that the offer is made after the conclusion of the placement. 

I have submitted an application, what are the next steps?
  • Once the student recruitment period concludes, you will be sent the student CV's and application details 

  • You will be invited to attend an online induction event where you have the opportunity to listen to each student's one minute pitch 

  • You will be given an opportunity to contact the students directly for further questioning, if required 

  • You will be asked to select your top 3 candidates, plus 2 reserve candidates, in order of preference 

  •  You will be contacted to confirm your final team 

  • You will be asked to organise a preliminary meeting with your confirmed student team prior to placement commencement

Got more questions? Contact us - we are here to help!

Our Partners 

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iPREP Biodesign - Connecting PhD Researchers to Industry
Repeat Industry Partner, Singular Health, Triumphs with iPREP Biodesign, Again!
Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research Benefits from iPREP Biodesign
iPrepWA -  Industry and Phd Research Engagement Program
University PhD researchers solving business problems
Round 1 2021 iPREP Biodesign: Metabolic Health Solutions
BSRU Conference Listens to Keynote Speaker, Professor Joe Luca, Present on the iPREP Program
Round 1 2021 iPREP Biodesign: Singular Health
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